Category Archives: Gardening
Planning a Butterfly & Pollinator Garden? —think a variety of Native Plants and MILKWEED!
This time of year is exciting for many gardeners as they begin to plan for a new season. Seed catalogues and nurseries are sending daily e-blasts, teasing the senses to encourage orders. This is when gardeners think about how to approach … Continue reading
Tomato Pie: A Summer Feast
Tomato pie, I’m told, is a traditional southern dish made with tomatoes, corn and mayonnaise. And while that all sounds pretty good, I’ve yet to try it. Instead, my first experience with the satisfying pastry came from a Danish bakery here in … Continue reading
Spring: An Old Man’s Fancy Turns to Thoughts of Mushrooms
I never believed that whole equinox thing — spring never arrives in March in the Hudson Valley. For a time I thought April first (opening day of trout season) was the real first day of spring, but that, invariably, was a cruel joke for flyfisherfolk. … Continue reading
Are Those Worms Really Good for Your Garden?
So you thought worms were your friend? Think again! The worms we think of as our “native” garden friendly earthworms are actually not native to the northeast. When the last glaciers receded they scraped the soil and took the native … Continue reading
Annuals: Fleeting but Fabulous
“With a few flowers in my garden, half a dozen pictures and some books, I live without envy.” —Lope de Vega If you’re driving behind Michael Ruggiero, you had better leave a healthy braking distance. It’s not that he’s a bad driver; it’s just that … Continue reading
Milkweed and The Great Migration
The Monarch Butterfly; Genus: Danaus, Species: plexippus The Monarch butterfly is perhaps one of our most beloved native species. Brightly colored with orange and black wings, white spots and a black and white spotted body this iconic butterfly is easily recognizable. … Continue reading
Margaret Roach Is Keynote Speaker at Cornell Cooperatives Annual Garden Day
Ulster County Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners’ 16th Annual Garden Day. Are you a gardener? Are you an avid follower of Margaret Roach’s newsletter, A Way to Garden? Have you read her most recent book, The Backyard Parables? If you have or … Continue reading