Category Archives: Financial

Financial Freedom Equals De-Cluttering
With the New Year upon us, you’ve probably made — or thought about making — some resolutions. “Getting organized” is a common goal, but you may not have considered it in terms of your financial life. Though it’s often overlooked, getting your financial documents in … Continue reading

Interview with Elder Law Attorney RosaLee Charpentier
With the greying of the population, there has been a dramatic increase in the need for legal services among seniors and their families. Coping with the difficult decisions that arise can be greatly aided by the wise council of an experienced … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning Your Financial Life
Spring is in the air. As the flowers come into bloom and the temperature ticks upward, you may experience a feeling of renewal. That’s often what spurs people to do their spring cleaning — a great idea. But while you’re at it, … Continue reading

Wall Street Crusader Sandy Lewis and Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi on “Fixing Wall St. and the Economy” Feb. 19 @ Bard College
On Tuesday, February 19, Bard College will host a talk and discussion with Salim B. “Sandy” Lewis, a Wall Street leader, founder of his firm, who now, with his wife, is the owner and operator of Lewis Family Farm in Essex, New … Continue reading

Green Finances are Good for the Soul
Whether you think it’s a fad or not, the greening of our lives is inevitable. The earth is literally getting sick from over consumption by human beings. There are limited natural resources in the earth and most are not renewable. If … Continue reading

Virtual Afterlife: What Happens to Your Online Presence When You Pass Away?
Have you considered what will happen to your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts when you pass away?… Continue reading

Financial Freedom Starts with De-Cluttering
With the New Year upon us, you’ve probably made — or thought about making — some resolutions… Continue reading