Category Archives: Gardening

The Transients of Spring
Spring feels like the most fleeting of seasons. It often keeps one foot planted in winter through much of April, then leaps into summer sultriness as early as May. Don’t waste another moment: get outdoors and enjoy the transience of … Continue reading

Now’s the Time —The Versatile Allium, Always a standout!
September is one of my favorite months— I look over my various perennial beds making decisions; some lethal, some regenerative, some purely aesthetic, others simply to satisfy a whim or an unusual must have plant. The tired, spent plants have either died back, … Continue reading

An Elusive Spring…
According to the calendar, March 21 was the first day of spring… Last week’s high temperatures seemed like a harbinger of spring but this week we’re in for another wintry blast. At this time of the year we would normally expect … Continue reading

Driving with the Buddha, or Creating a Meditation Garden
Because I am a landscape designer, friends often give me garden related gifts: everything from pruners to red-capped gnomes (which reside in the vegetable garden). This last Christmas a dear friend gave me a statue of a seated Buddha. It’s rather large, so it took … Continue reading

Foraging & Feasting: A Field Guide and Wild Food Cookbook by Dina Falconi– illustrated by Wendy Hollender
Foraging & Feasting: A Field Guide and Wild Food Cookbook written by Dina Falconi and illustrated by Wendy Hollender celebrates our local bounty and traditional foodways. Featuring beautiful, instructive botanical illustrations and delicious, enlightening recipes, Dina and Wendy share a long commitment … Continue reading