
Maverick Concerts JAZZ Series with Amir ElSaffar: Saturday — 7/​16 at 8 pm

by Donna Calcavecchio

Maverick Concerts continues to electrify and enlighten our musical senses as they embark on a new century of music and an increasingly innovative JAZZ series.


Saturday  |  July 16  |  8 pm
New Century, New Voices I

Amir ElSaffar and the Two Rivers Ensemble

This weekend: Saturday, July 16 at 8 pm, Amir ElSaffar and the Two Rivers Ensemble will perform Crisis, a fusion of  native Middle Eastern maqam tradition and innovative modern jazz improvisation.

Published on Jul 9, 2015 This piece was commissioned by the Newport Jazz Festival.

ElSaffar composed the Crisis suite in 2013, after living in Egypt where he witnessed the Arab Spring protests and in Lebanon, where he worked with Syrian musicians in a country torn apart by a devastating civil war. The suite is a commentary on the recent history of Iraq and the Middle East. Based on the melodic modes of the maqam and folkloric rhythms, the music is passionate and ecstatic. ElSaffar’s virtuoso trumpet playing is firmly rooted in the jazz tradition, playing a taqsim (melodic improvisation) in an authentic Arab style, with a sound that is reminiscent of the reed flute.

Amir ElSaffar

Amir ElSaffar, photo by Ed Berger

Crisis is ElSaffar’s reflection on a region in turmoil and strife: revolution, civil war and sectarian violence, a culture’s struggle for survival. The suite, commissioned by the Newport Jazz Festival (2013), made a deep emotional connection with the audience and received a rousing standing ovation.

Amir Elsaffar Quintet performs at the 2014 Newport Jazz Festival

Amir Elsaffar Quintet performs at the 2014 Newport Jazz Festival,
photo by Adam Kissick

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For more information about Maverick Concerts JAZZ series go here

The musical weekend continues at the Maverick Concert Hall with their tradition of Sunday afternoon chamber music:

Sunday  |  July 17  |  4 pm

Horszowski Trio
New Century, New Voices II

Schumann: Piano Trio No. 2 in F, Op. 80
Joan Tower: For Daniel (2004)
Beethoven: Piano Trio No. 7 in B-​​flat, Op. 97

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For more information about Maverick Concerts in Woodstock go here

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