Author Archives: Ross Rice
Editor’s note: With the recent passing of world renown culinary super-star Anthony Bourdain, we thought it might be of interest to re-post this piece on Chef Gianni Scappin who was considered by Bourdain to be one of the “stand-up guys” … Continue reading
Molière’s The Imaginary Invalid (“Le malade imaginaire,” 1673) at the FISHER CENTER, BARD COLLEGE
Thanks to a wellspring of raw talent, and high visibility with film roles in The Station Agent, Death at a Funeral, The Chronicle of Narnia: Prince Caspian, and the recent mega-smash hit HBO series Game of Thrones, multiple award-winning actor Peter Dinklage … Continue reading
The secret life of plants: botanical artist Wendy Hollender
…in spite of the ever-improving technology of the camera, the field of botanical art is still viable and vibrant, Continue reading