Category Archives: Books

Shaking Up Prohibition
For most of us, the era of Prohibition (1919 – 1933) in the United States will conjure up a “noir” world of tough-talking hoodlums and wise-cracking blonds. Names like Al Capone, Baby-face Nelson, Legs Diamond, and Lucy Luciano with the Hollywood faces … Continue reading

Feinstein Shoots McQueen
Many of the most iconic photographs of the second half of the 20th century were taken by Barry Feinstein. As someone who did the cover photography for over 500 music albums including the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton and Frank Zappa, … Continue reading

The Maker V
This fifth instalment of The Maker In The Head, is occasioned by the release of Carey’s new novel, Who Was That Lady? On October 16, the Kindle version of the book is the subject of a Bookbub promotion and is available … Continue reading

What’s Happening at the Woodstock Writers Festival
Thursday, April 3 — Sunday, April 6, 2014 — Woodstock, NY STORY SLAM In the beginning, there is the Story Slam. It works this way: contestants write very short stories that must contain a specific phrase, somewhere, anywhere, in the story, and must not take … Continue reading

Author and climate leader Bill McKibben has joined the Bard Center for Environmental Policy (Bard CEP), an innovative graduate program in at Bard College that offers master of science degrees in environmental policy and in climate science and policy. McKibben is the author of a dozen … Continue reading

Go Ahead, Just Take a Little Taste…
During a Spring road trip with Karen, we couldn’t help noticing vast patches of purple, pink, and white wildflowers, like clouds mysteriously dissolving into the darkening woods. We knew they were only the phlox-like Hesperis (Hesperis matronalis), but were strangely moved … Continue reading

Time Magazine Photojournalist Robert Nickelsberg at Vassar
Photojournalist Robert Nickelsberg has been covering Afghanistan since 1988, when he accompanied a group of mujahideen crossing the border from Pakistan as part of an assignment for Time. Since then, he has returned regularly to document the unending conflict in that … Continue reading

The SUNY New Paltz Distinguished Speaker Series presents Robert Thurman on Tibetan Culture and Buddhism
The Suny Distinguished Speaker Series presents: Robert A. F. Thurman: Monday November 4 at 7:30 p.m. In the Lecture Center Room 100 on the SUNY New Paltz Campus Robert A.F. Thurman, an expert on Tibetan culture and Buddhism, will speak on … Continue reading